Stakestore has much interested in one moral issue that faces the American public. It is an issue that needs to be addressed and it needs to be in the forefront of our society. It is that important. Of course the issue is ABORTION. Stakestore places the abortion issue above all others. As a moral issue, there are zero more important. We do not believe that our nation is as evenly divided on this issue as certain media would have us believe. Stakestore sees an opportunity, in the near future, to have an influence in righting a wrong. We feel that with the certain eventual changes coming to the justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, that the court will be called upon to re-examine the decision of Roe vs Wade made in 1973. Stakestore is hopeful that the court will overturn it’s previous decision of “abortion on demand” to one that allows this issue to be decided by the states on state by state referendums. We would view this scenario as a major victory in the war to save the unborn. We are confident that most every person in every state will examine their conscience and respond appropriately. Stakestore is committed to being a provider of the physical instruments (crosses) to help bring awareness to as many Americans as possible. Through awareness people will be educated. Stakestore knows that most Americans support right over wrong and good over evil. Americans will support through principle alone, verbally and financially. Support is what is needed to get our message out. In American culture, symbolism plays an important role. Few symbols are as recognizable or as powerful as that of the cross. Recognized around the world as the symbol of Christianity, it is also recognized nationwide as a symbol of death. The Right to Life organization is very much aware of the power of this symbolism. Right to Life communities have for years erected and maintained “mock” cemeteries portraying aborted fetuses. 3,597 crosses, perfectly arranged in straight orderly rows, representing the estimated total number of abortions performed each day in the U.S.A. It is powerful advertising but in reality, it is difficult to acquire the necessary materials to erect. Stakestore is marketing packages of pre-manufactured pre-painted crosses ready for display. The crosses are prepointed for easy installation. We use a dado cut design to eliminate misshape. We use a nut and bolt fastening system for easy assembly and disassembly allowing for minimal storage space when not in use. The crosses are truly well designed and constructed, permitting many re-uses. Stakestore has taken the time consuming difficult manufacturing operations out of this project for you. You can purchase quality crosses conveniently, in the quantities that you desire, at affordable prices. Stakestore is very aware of the opportunity at hand. An opportunity to provide visual stimuli to church groups, social groups, or any organization favoring life for the unborn. Our goal is to help in a well-organized well-coordinated campaign to change how Americans condone abortion. If every citizen would have the opportunity to see a cross display, hopefully on a regular basis, they would have repetitive opportunities to search their souls and realize the significance of this issue. We believe, that through awareness we can educate. Once educated, we feel that we can get the appropriate response. We can finally right this wrong. Choice is not an option. Choice is wrong, LET THERE BE LIFE!